Friday 23 August 2013

Apa Itu Qalamiy?


Apa itu Qalamiy?
  • QalamiyTm adalah sejenis alat pemegang pensel.
  • Penghasilan produk ini telah di sokong oleh 38 ahli profesional dalam bidang Pendidikan Khas
  • QalamiyTM adalah alat yang boleh membantu pelajar pendidikan khas untuk menulis dengan baik.
  • Reka bentuk QalmiyTM adalah  diadaptasi daripada gabungan elemen ergonomic dan terapi pengurutan bagi membantu pelajar khususnya pelajar pendidikan khas yang mengalami masalah genggaman pra-matang untuk memenggang alat tulis menggunakan alat genggaman pensel @ QalamiyTM.     
  • Reka bentuk adalah seperti rajah dibawah:    
1) Alat ini mempunyai lubang di bahagian tengah bagi memasukkan pensel.

2) di kedua-dua belah sisi QalamiyTM mempunyai lubang bagi memasukkan jari bagi membantu dan melatih pengguna memegang pensel dengan lebih kemas.

3) Apabila memasukkan pensel ke dalam Qalamiy maka pelajar boleh memeggan pensel dengan lebih baik dan ini dapat membantu pelajar untuk menulis dengan baik.

Siapa yang sepatutnya menggunakan Qalamiy?

  • Mereka yang mempunyai masalah genggaman pra-matang
  • Orang kurang upaya yang mempunyai masalah untuk menulis
  • Individu yang mempunyai masalah strok ringan
  • Kanak-kanak yang menghadapi masalah "cerebral palsy"

Qalamiy dari pandangan sisi
Qalamiy dari pandangan sisi belakang

Qalamiy apabila dipasang pada pensel



  • Had won Gold Prize at the Seoul International Invention Fair 2012 organized by Korea Invention Promotion Association in Seoul, Korea.
  • Had been awarded the ITEX Gold Medal at the 23rd International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition 2012, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. 


  • Qalamiy was registered under Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia Akta Reka Bentuk Perindustrian 1996 and Peraturan-Peraturan Reka Bentuk Perindustrian 1990. 

Thursday 22 August 2013

Name of Product

Qalamiy TM

What the Product is?

  • It is a pencil or a pen grip device.
  • Qalamiy ™ is a low-tech aid.
  • Qalamiy supported by a study of 38 professional educators in early special education
  • Its able to help children in Special Education Learning Problems to write better.
  • Qalamiy ™ design is an adaptive tool that combines elements of ergonomic and massage therapy to help children with special needs to hold stationery towards dynamic tripod grip types.
  • This tool lead-position thumb and forefinger by two finger-shaped casing which is two basins suitable to accommodate the three finger grip together on adaptive dynamic tripod grip is similar. Dynamic tripod pencil grip is a mature grip promoted by educators and members of occupational therapy.
  • Qalamiy ™ has a section in which the dimensions (body) has been created to fits comfortably in the palm of the hands that help users maintain open space while holding a writing instrument.
  • Qalamiy surface also has a lot of groove nozzle which can massage the palm and smooth the blood circulation at palm area while user write with Qalamiy ™.
  • Qalamiy been tested to forty special education students with learning disabilities form first level who have problem to hold a pencil and to write.

Who use it?

  •     Disabilities people who have trouble in writing
  •     Individuals who suffering from a mild stroke
  •     Children with cerebral palsy

The actual benefit to the child

  • Built with an ergonomic element and therapy massage that will help students with learning  disabilities who have trouble in writing.

  • It is a low-tech device which is affordable to all level of society.

Who will buy it
  • Individuals who suffering from a mild strok that makes it difficult for them to grasp stationery when writing
  • Students who suffered with hemiplegik
  • Autisme children learning to write
  • Children with special needs. Usually babies who born prematurely